
Class 7 | Chapter 1 Computer Overview

Q.7. Write very short answer of the following questions.
a. What do you mean by data?
Ans: Data are the facts or symbols also known as unprocessed information collected from various sources.
b. What is the measurement unit of clock speed of computer?
Ans: The measurement unit of clock speed of computer is megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz)
c. Write any one use of computer in medical field.
Ans: Computer are used in medical field for diagnosing illness and monitoring the condition of patients.
d. Which unit of computer is used to process data?
Ans: CPU is the part of computer which process data.
e. Is computer an electronic device?
Ans: Yes, computer is an electronic device.
f. What is GIGO?
Ans: If the data and instruction given to the computer are correct, it will always produce accurate result but sometimes it also produce undesirable result which is due to wrong input it is known as GIGO.
g. Why is computer called versatile machine?
Ans: A computer can perform different kinds of tasks one by one simultaneously so computer is called versatile machine.

Q.7. Write short answer of the following question.
a. Define computer and draw the figure of computer.
Ans:  Computer is the electronic device that takes data and instructions as an input, process them according to the given set of instruction, stores and gives the meaningful information or result as output.
b. How are computer used in education and entertainment?
Ans: Computer in Education
Computers are widely used in the field of education. Teachers can explain difficult topics more clearly and easily to their students. Using computer, student can search books, can read books and magazines. Open universities are launching their distance learning programs like CBT or CAI. Also many websites provide online education so the computer is playing very important role in the field of education.
       Computer in Entertainment
Now a days computer can be taken as a good means of entertainment. We can play games, watch movies and listen music on the computer. 3D movies and cartoon are made by adding special visual effects with the help of computer which makes us more entertainment and looks like real.
c. Explain the working system of a computer with an example.
Ans: Computer perform any tasks in three steps
1. Take data and instruction as an Input
2. Process the Input data
3. Gives the output

d. List any four characteristics of a computer.
Ans: Four characteristics of computer are as follows:
i) High speed       ii) Accuracy           iii) Diligence              iv) versatility
e. List any five application fields of a computer.
Ans: Application fields of computer are as follows:
i) Home ii)         Education        iii) Medicine and Health      iv) Entertainment        v) Business
f. Why is computer called an information processing machine?
Ans: Computer is the electronic device that takes data and instructions as an input, process them according to the given set of instruction, stores and gives the meaningful information or result as output so computer is called an information processing machine.