
Class 8 Chapter 1

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Q.4. Write Full forms of the following.
IPM > 
CPU > 
ATM >>
RAM >>
Q.5. Write a very short answer to the following questions.
a) From which word of Latin language, the word computer is derived?
Ans: The word computer is derived from the Latin word "Computare".
b) What is obtained after processing data?
Ans: We obtain Information as output after processing data.
c) Computer is electronic or electrical device?
Ans: Computer is electronic device.
d) How is speed of computer measured?
Ans: The speed of computer is measured in fraction of second.
e) What is the basic unit of measuring storage capacity of computer?
Ans: The  basic unit of measuring  storage capacity of computer is bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes etc.
f) How many bytes make one kilobyte?
Ans: 1024 bytes make one kilobyte.

Q.6. Write short answer of the following questions.
a) What is computer? How is it used in banking and shopping?
Ans: Computer is an electronic machine which accepts raw data from the user, processes the data according to the predefined set of instructions, gives and stores the result as information.
Computer in Banking
Computers are used in bank for electronic money transfer, voucher, ledger, bank sheet, etc. different systems are used in bank as ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), EFTS (Electronic Fund Transfer System) etc which is computer based systems for customer services provided by banks.
Computer in Shopping
Computers are used in shopping to keep record of goods, product,  to keep record of employee as well as and customer data  and also they use computer for accounting and billing purpose.
b) Why is data processing done in computer?
Ans: Data processing done in computer because it helps to obtain meaningful information very fast and error free result.
c) List any four characteristics of computer.
Ans: Four characteristics of computer are as follows:
         i) speed        ii) Accuracy             iii) Versatility              iv) Diligence
d) Why computer is called a versatile machine?
Ans: A computer can be used in wide range of application in different fields such as education, entertainment, communication, agriculture, business etc. and can perform different kinds of tasks one by one simultaneously so computer is called versatile machine.
e) What is meant by liveware?
Ans: The person, user, or operator associated in computer field is known as liveware. They can be the programmers, hardware technicians or other personnel working in a computer system.

Q.7. Write long answer of the following questions.
a) Explain the working principle of computer with suitable diagram.
Ans: The working principle of computer is given below:
i. Computer takes data and instructions as an input from the user
ii. Computer process the input data according to the given set of instructions.
iii) Computer gives the output as result after processing.
iv) Computer can store the processed information permanently o the storage devices
b) Discuss any five characteristics of computer.
Ans: Five characteristics of computer are described below:
i) Speed : Computer are capable of performing complex types of calculation at a very high speed. Computer can execute millions of instructions per second.
ii) Accuracy : The result obtained from the computer is accurate and error free. If the given input is correct then it produce 100% correct result.
iii) Versatility : A computer can be used in wide range of application in different fields such as education, entertainment, communication, agriculture, business etc. and can perform different kinds of tasks one by one simultaneously so computer is called versatile machine.
iv) Diligence : Computer is diligent machine because it can perform complicated and repetitive task very well without losing its speed, accuracy and efficiency.
v) Storage : Computer can store huge amount data, instructions and software in a small piece of hardware device.