
Class 8 Chapter 2 History of Computer Devlopment

 Write very short answers to the following questions.
a. What was the first manual calculating device?
Ans: Abacus was the first manual calculating device.
b. Who is known as the father of modern computer technology?
Ans: Charles Babbage is known as the father of modern computer technology?
c. Who was the inventor of Slide Rule?
Ans: The slide Rule was invented by William Oughtred in 1620 AD.
d. What are the devices invented by Charles Babbage?
Ans: The devices invented by Charles Babbage were the Difference Engine and Analytical Engine. 
e. Who is considered the first computer programmer?
Ans: Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace is considered the first computer programmer. 
f. Who was the inventor of Stepped Reckoner and when it was invented?
Ans: A German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz was the inventor of Stepped Reckoner it was invented in 1970 AD.
g. Who was the founder of Tabulating Machine Company?
Ans: Herman Hollerith was the founder of Tabulating Machine Company. 
h. How many vacuum tubes were used in the first electronic computer? 
Ans: 17468 vacuum tubes were used in the first electronic computer.
i. Which generation of computers was introduced in Nepal for the first time?
Ans: The IBM 1401 belongs to the second generation of computer that was introduced in Nepal for the first time. 

Write short answers to the following questions.
a. Describe in short about Abacus.
Ans: Abacus was the first manual calculating device developed by Chinese people before 3000 BC. it was made up of a wooden frame and divided into two parts. The upper part is called heaven and the lower part is called earth. 
b. Why is Babbage known as the father of modern computer science?
Ans: Charles Babbage was the first person to develop the concept of the modern digital computer which works on the principle of Input-Process-Output and storage so, he is known as the father of modern computer science. 
c. What are the components of an analytical engine.
Ans: The main components of an analytical engine is given below:
i) The store (like a memory)
ii) The mill (like a processing unit)
iii) The input section using punched cards.  
iv) The output section using punched cards.   
d. Write a few lines about ENIAC.
Ans: ENIAC was the first multipurpose electronic computer it was designed by John Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly in 1964. 
e. What was the first electromechanical digital computer? When was it invented and who?
Ans: The first electromechanical digital computer was the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC), invented by John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry in 1937-1942. The ABC was the first computer to use binary digits (bits) to represent data and to use capacitors to store data in its memory

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